
Thanks a bunch for the tools. They’ve had more than the desired effect, especially the Palliative care protocols and the QRISK recalculations. Our Statin offering has significantly increased and this is because of that protocol. All protocols have proved to work really well and I’m finding that all GPs here now, not just partners are participating and doing their bit. Yes, some more than others but I must say what we have really worked well.  

Thanks for your continued support.

Quality manager, Manchester

I want to personally thank you and your team for your service over the past 2 years which has been nothing short of amazing.
We would not have managed to provide safe service during the onset of the Pandemic w/o all the solutions you supported us with and for that a big thank you once again

IT Lead, Manchester

Thank you for always going over and beyond for us and of course your prompt response

We have been using the referral tree by Primary Care IT in Trafford for over 4 years now and could not manage without it! Over this time we have identified a number of benefits including;

– consistent referral process across all sites for all services in Trafford

– Ensures mandatory information for the referral is collected prior to the referral being sent, which reduces rejected referrals

– Old versions of forms are removed and only the latest version is available to select for the clinician, again reducing rejected referrals

– We can monitor who is referring where with the use of codes in the back of the forms to track activity
It is a huge time saving tool for both the practice and the commissioner as the format of the form is agreed by provider and commissioner prior to sending, optimising is done once, PCIT load the form on the F12, the form is categorised and placed under a heading i.e. community, therefore the form is available and is located in the same place across all of our 27 sites. This is great for practice staff but also PCNs when clinicians are working across different sites as they can all look in the same place for the form they require.

Data quality and IT manager, Trafford

Working with Primary Care IT has been a pleasure.  The team are very approachable, supportive, and extremely knowledgeable.  Solutions and development requests are responded to quickly, which is a plus in my view.
The tools provided by the PCIT team have been invaluable to us and have enabled our PCN to develop a united plan with local contracts.  Patient care has never been better, and coding has become a less daunting process for all staff within the practice.  The One Templates, One Monitoring and One Recall functions have all provided a more streamlined approach for all our clinicians, pharmacists, and receptionists. 
Searches have been provided for local services in record time and the team are always available for any query you may have.  I found the team very friendly and always happy to help.  This year we are very grateful and appreciate that PCIT have gone above and beyond to provided searches with our new contract specification release.   In practice we are all familiar with a new contract beginning and not having the searches ready to start the work. 
The PCIT website is easy to navigate, and searches are available to download depending on your need.  The learning modules are a welcome addition and have been an extremely helpful when training staff on the requirements and best practice for IIF.  Although not compulsory modules I feel that the PCIT team have really given this some thought and provided useful learning to run alongside their regular Webinars.
Thank you to Anna, Dustyn, Will and the rest of the team for making our lives so much easier and helping us achieve our targets!

We booked a demo and were very impressed with the professionalism of the team at Primary Care IT. We have now been using One Template for about 15 months.
After getting used to the layout of the very comprehensive template, we find it a really useful tool for managing our long-term conditions clinics. The team are very responsive to suggestions for enhancements. We would recommend One Template to other Practices. We have yet to try their other tools but this is something we would consider in the future

IT Lead, Bridgnorth Medical Centre

I work for a PCN and started using the PCIT resources when they first became available. I was a little sceptical at first, wondering what they could provide that we don’t do already, or that we can’t find within the already provided EMIS searches.  However, I soon discovered that the suite of searches is incredibly useful and apart from the time it would have taken me to research and create these, the expertise behind them is extremely knowledgeable and talented. They seem to cover all bases with searches readily and quickly available for all ES, QOF, CQRS, IIF, Covid etc. If you can’t find what you want, I would be very surprised!
The support they give is faultless, replying in a very timely manner. Will takes the time to investigate and either resolve the issue, or in most cases, trawl through and examine the reasons for missing data, or data perceived to be incorrect. When I can’t locate a search or other resource Anna our Relationship Manager comes back to me quickly with the information requested.

Data Manager, Worcestershire

I find the Referral Tree a great resource for clinicians as I can choose from the referral tree the appropriate template which is pre-populated with appropriate information already in the GP system.  In addition the format allowing me to drop in edited consultation/s makes the referral process very efficient.

GP, Washway Road Medical centre

PCIT’s adaptability and ability to find solutions when navigating a sometimes archaic and cumbersome EMIS is invaluable, by enabling concepts and protocols to lead to improved coding and therefore funding to practices, customisation can be tailored to each area. OneResults and One Monitoring allow easier viewing from the consultation screen of some test information.

GP, Riversley Road Surgery

The PCIT OneRecall product has supported us to establish a more robust and streamlined chronic disease recall system based on clinical codes and birth months rather than manually added diary entries. This is helping us ensure that we are capturing a more complete chronic disease register for our reviews and that patients are seen more efficiently. The support we have received (and that is available via the comprehensive website) has been excellent and all development requests are positively and swiftly responded to. Change is always hard, but we are pleased we took the time and effort and are now seeing the rewards.

LOVE the IIF template /section on the learning tool – tells you exactly what to do and when and to keep you on top of things 🙂  I’ve already shared it with managers !!! its brilliant

Practice Manager, Warwickshire

Please pass on our congratulations to everyone on achieving the GP IT Futures framework.
We are in the early days of our journey with the team, but when we were faced with many different options at the outset, we felt that we were choosing the right provider. Looking forward to a long and productive time with you guys.

Managing Partner, Warwickshire

Using Document Management (Referral Tree) has made looking after referral forms so much simpler.  The team at PCIT have been accommodating and responsive to the needs of our organisation, working with us to provide and manage a comprehensive resource for the 26 practices within our area.

Office Administrator, Warwickshire