Pre Triage Process

Overwhelmed by online demand?

Many practices are finding that having an online “tap” that never turns off is causing them to be overloaded with requests for contact. Primary Care IT is pleased to introduce Pre Triage Process. In combination with OneContact, you can choose which elements you want to deal with online and direct users to these and then manage the rest using Pre Triage Process, on the telephone with your reception team taking details using the PTP system. E.g. take all sick note requests on line, but deal with face to face requests via telephone – it’s your surgery, you choose how to set it up and we provide the tools.

Standardised information

Standardise the information collected by your reception team, allowing rapid onboarding of new members (useful in times of high staff turnover) because they just follow the questions

Make the most of your additional roles

We localise PTP so that patients with suitable conditions are booked directly with your additional roles team members.

Signposting directly to local services

Do you have local services like minor eye conditions clinics, minor injuries clinics or others that patients can book directly into? Have these signposted to your patients consistently to keep your appointments free for those needing them

Clinical teams see quick summaries saving time

When your clinical team enter the patients record they can see a quick summary of the information entered (and if you’re an EMIS practice any other related useful information)

Click on your clinical system below to see details:

The process works as follows:

Initial screening information for local pathways or ARRS members suitability – tailored to your local availability.

Then signposting to pharmacy for common conditions is highlighted and the top conditions for contacting the surgery listed. When one of the options is selected the system goes on to ask further questions:

Includes how long and who else the patient has seen about the problem

Then asking about symptoms that will rapidly help the clinician.

Then when the clinician opens the record they get a concise summary, along with other important elements of the history or things to consider.

The receptionist launches the PTP protocol using the tab in the top right of the toolbar:

The receptionist records, their name and the patient’s preferred telephone number and can add any information the patient describes as to why they need help today.

The receptionist is then presented with a number of options to select the reason the patient is calling

There follows a number of questions depending on the option selected, designed to collect relevant information about the patients problem

The details collected are all available in the patient journal ready for the clincian to review and action: