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Self Injury Awareness Day

Self-Injury Awareness Day

Self-Injury Awareness Day is on the 1st of March every year, as it has been for for twenty years or more.

SIAD is an international event that is recognised across the globe.

LifeSIGNS is proud to have supported Self-Injury Awareness Day since we launched in 2002, and we’re the number one resource for SIAD material.

Raising awareness about self-injury is incredibly important. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgment and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence.

Raising awareness is about educating people who do not self-injure, and reaching out to people who do.


Please contact or 07950705258 with all media enquiries.

What you can do

LifeSIGNS can provide the resources and support, but we alone cannot fight stigma and educate everyone – we need your help. If you want people to understand self-injury better, then you need to do something, and we’re very happy to help you.

This year, we’d like to ask every single one of you to choose at least one action from the following list, and do it not only for SIAD, but for yourself. If you’d prefer to live in a world where people understand self-injury and don’t judge, where you can talk freely about mental health instead of being trapped in silence, then it’s our shared responsibility to educate our friends, family members, and healthcare providers. We’ll provide the resources, and we’d like you to do your bit by using those resources now.

Which of the following will you choose to do?

Stick up a poster

No more (si)lence

Print posters and stick them up wherever you can. You may need permission, or you may be able to use a notice board.

To save a poster to your computer, ‘right-click’ on the link and then use the little pop-up menu to save.

When you print, set the paper settings to ‘A4 borderless’ – don’t just press print.

Wristbands for SIAD (Sorry, we have run out) buy a magnet instead

Buying a wristband not only raises awareness about self-injury, but directly supports LifeSIGNS by enabling us to continue our work throughout the year.

Everyone wears a wristband for different reasons – there’s always something about memory involved – remembering the past, looking at how far you’ve come, and maybe how many more steps there are to take.

Some people show their wristband openly – as they’re able to say “It’s SIAD, I’m showing my support for friends on the web who shouldn’t be alone in their struggle”.

We’ve been online for over fifteen years, and everything we do is based on the funds people donate and the funds raised by selling wristbands around the world.

Cute little magnets

While we\ve basically sold out of wristbands, we do have some little fridge magnets.

You really make a difference to us, and you’re helping us make a difference to people who may be totally alone in their distress, who don’t know how to ask for help, and who need a little extra assurance to get through the day.

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