
#48 PCIT Gems: Wondering about QOF at this time of year?

Wondering about QOF at this time of year?

Thank you to so many of you who joined our webinar on Friday. We had a great turnout with many questions asked. If you missed the webinar or would like to watch again, please see the recording here. Remember to share with your colleagues! 

Weekly Hints and Tips

This week we are focusing on QOF. Our recent webinar, led by our clinical team, included many helpful hints and tips. Below are a handful of questions asked during the webinar:

  • VI003, VI002 and VI001 are not updating, so no new children are being shown on our lists. Reported months ago and it is still not sorted. Is this a known problem?
  • Is there a code to use for patients needing cancer care review but are in hospital for a long period so we have been unable to complete it?
  • Is there any PCA for cholesterol 001?
  • Why is lipid lowering therapy declined not acceptable?

If you are a PCIT subscriber, we are currently updating the 004 GP Contract Pro searches folder to v3.4. If you would like to put in a priority request, please submit a support ticket

If you are not yet a PCIT subscriber and are interested, please get in touch to book a demo

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