
#51 PCIT Gems: CHOL002 l Ad hoc patient lists l Removal of EMIS panic button

In this week’s newsletter we are sharing some more valuable hints and tips that we believe will be of great help to you.

If you are a PCIT Subscriber make sure you check out the PCIT Academy, where you will 

find lessons on CQC Navigator, PCN DES and more. Also keep up to date with upcoming webinars and training on the Subscribers Hub, as well as catching up on any previous webinars. 

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Dustyn (Founder of Primary Care IT

System agnostic QOF tip – CHOL002

This week we have received a couple of queries relating to how to achieve the CHOL002 indicator, which brings back something we highlighted in a webinar back at the beginning of the contract year.

To achieve the indicator, patients must have a non-HDL cholesterol level of 2.5 or less, or in the absence of a non-HDL level an LDL lever of 1.8 or less. This means that a non-HDL level trumps any LDL level, so if you find a patient with a non-HDL of 2.7 but an LDL of 1.8 unfortunately this will not count. Practices should also check the inbound coding of lab reports to ensure that their levels are definitely coded. After a question this week we identified an area where the local lab is not sending results with a code attached. Users can see the result as text, but QOF does not recognise it. If you find a result which you think should count – remember non-HDL trumps LDL – double check the coding of the report. If it is missing for one patient it is likely to be missing for all, and probably any Practices using the same lab.

Another question about CHOL002 we have seen is about exception coding. There is only 1 way to remove a patient from the indicator: Cholesterol test declined. Coding Maximal tolerated lipid lowering therapy does not work. Remember the target for full points is only 35% so it will be more important to ensure that bloods are done than trying to exception code.

Ad hoc Patient Lists

Within SystmOne you can create your own group of patients for whatever purpose you require. You can use this group to send texts, bulk add codes etc in the same way as any other search result. For example, you may wish to add certain patients to a new group for a specific research study the practice is undertaking.

Patients are added to the ‘Ad-Hoc Patient List’ and then the group can be named however you wish.

Removal of Panic Button in EMIS Web

As previously communicated, the Panic Button is being removed as standard from EMIS Web from Wednesday 7th February 2024. Once removed, users will no longer be able to view or use the Panic Button icon. 

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